A Gentler Heart – workshop with Alistair Appleton

A Gentler Heart – workshop with Alistair Appleton

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Date(s) - 25/11/2017 - 26/11/2017
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


We are delighted to welcome Alistair back to Dublin where he will host another of his experiential and transformative workshops.

The Dalai Lama says that “all our suffering comes from caring about ourselves and all our happiness comes from caring for others”. And yet we live in a world that puts “self” first and the ‘me-me-me’ culture we live in pre-programs self-interest.

Buddhism famously questions the nature of that ‘self’ and does so not from an intellectual place but one of meditative experience. The deeper we sit with the raw experience of the heart the more impossible it becomes to wall ourselves off from the experiences of others.
We become more empathic but then a surprise happens: we start to realise that opening up to the “otherousness” of the World actually makes life brighter, more adventurous, wider and wiser.

This weekend course is looking to explore the meditative path towards that experience of the gentle heart. Drawing on his experience as a therapist as well as long-term meditator, Alistair uses meditative practices, bodywork and group exercises to explore the world of emotions, togetherness and heart-felt connection know in Buddhism as ‘bodhicitta’ and to sound out the blocks and anxieties that stop us getting there.

It’s suitable for beginners or those who want to re-visit the bodhicitta practices from a somatic place.

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Bookings for this course must be made directly on the Mindsprings website, please use the following link http://mind-springs.org/course/gentler-heart
Course Cost €100. Numbers on this course will be limited so book early to avoid disappointment.

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Kagyu Samye Dzong Participates in Culture Night, Friday 20th September 4.30pm - 8.30pm Wednesday 11th and 18th September, 'Whispers from the Other Shore' - Two Talks with Donal Creedon See Events for more information We resume the Mindfulness drop-in sessions on Tuesdays 10th, 17th and 24th September
We are extremely sorry that Khenpo Lekthong's visit to KSDD was cancelled, and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We resume the Mindfulness drop-in sessions on Tuesdays 10th, 17th and 24th September Wednesday 11th and 18th September, 'Whispers from the Other Shore' - Two Talks with Donal Creedon See Events for more information
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