Iyengar Yoga Thursdays

Iyengar Yoga Thursdays

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Date(s) - 20/02/2020 - 19/03/2020
7:30 pm - 8:45 pm

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin


dawn yoga

Yoga works on each individual for their growth and betterment – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Through the practice of physical postures (called asanas) one develops strength, mobility and stability, and makes the body  a firm foundation for the practice of meditation.

Thursdays 7:30pm – 8:45pm : An Iyengar yoga class for all levels.

Classes run in five week cycles:                                               

Next cycle  – 20th February

Fee for five week cycle:
€60 waged / €50 unwaged or student
€15 waged / €12 unwaged or student* – ‘Drop-in’ rate

*for those with some experience of yoga practice – if you can’t make every week but still want to stay flexi!

Pre-booking is required. Contact info@buddhism.ie, call 089 475 3315 or book online here.
Class size limited to 8 people.

Recommendations before attending:
Wear suitable clothing that will not impede your movement.

Not too loose; not too tight.

Come to class with an empty stomach.
If possible, please bring a yoga mat.

FullSizeRender(2)Classes taught by Caitriona and Matthew – certified Iyengar yoga teachers.

For more information about Iyengar yoga, see: www.dubliniyengaryoga.ie

iyengar-logoThe Certification Mark is a registered trade mark awarded to teachers trained and qualified to teach the Iyengar method of yoga.


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17th January 7pm, The start of a series of Dharma related Film Screenings.
25th January, Start of Saturday Morning Dialogues with Dònal Creedon.
See Events for more information
We are working on improving our website. We apologize for any errors in appearance or functioning while the website is under construction.

17th January 7pm, The start of a series of Dharma related Film Screenings.
25th January, Start of Saturday Morning Dialogues with Dònal Creedon.
See Events for more information
We are working on improving our website. We apologize for any errors in appearance or functioning while the website is under construction.