Prayer Vigil for the Pandemic to subside, led by His Holiness Karmapa

Prayer Vigil for the Pandemic to subside, led by His Holiness Karmapa

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Date(s) - 18/04/2020 - 24/04/2020
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm


Dear Friends,

His Holiness Karmapa has addressed us recently regarding the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic (see our News page for the transcript of His address) and will host a week-long vigil of daily prayers dedicated to helping the pandemic to subside. The prayers will be broadcast live daily and practitioners around the world are invited to join with the monks, nuns and lay people. See below for the links to the various platforms.

The schedule is as follow, and the prayers are also available for download using the links below:

Prayers for the Pandemic to Subside – April 18th to 24th, 14:00 GMT (15:00 BST – 3pm Irish-time!)

Led by Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje

Live webcast on

April 18: The Heart Sutra with the Repulsion of Maras
April 19: The Noble Aspiration for Excellent Conduct & the Sutra in Three Sections
April 20: Sutras of the Dharani of Akshobhya
April 21: Praises of the Twenty-One Taras with the Benefits
April 22: Supplications to Guru Rinpoche
April 23: A Prayer for Rebirth in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati
April 24: Selected Dharani Mantras, The Prayer That Saved Sakya from Illness, and Appeasing the Discord of the Mamos

A prayer book compiled by Gyalwang Karmapa including these prayers can be downloaded for free on

All prayer sessions will be at 14:00 GMT. You can use the following link to see the current GMT time and by that the time difference to your local time:

The following guidelines are from the original post on

Regarding the Live-streamed Prayers for a Time of Pandemic:

Over the next week, as we recite prayers together with the Gyalwang Karmapa for the pandemic to subside, please follow the rules and regulations of the country where you are staying. Instead of gathering in large groups, please remain in your own homes and pray as fervently as you can:
• That the sick may recover swiftly,
• That doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals continue to find new treatments and medicines,
• That those who have passed away move on to a happy rebirth,
• That the pandemic may swiftly end everywhere in the world,
• And that health, happiness, and prosperity may flourish.

Pandemic Prayer Vigil Schedule

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17th January 7pm, The start of a series of Dharma related Film Screenings.
25th January, Start of Saturday Morning Dialogues with Dònal Creedon.
See Events for more information
We are working on improving our website. We apologize for any errors in appearance or functioning while the website is under construction.

17th January 7pm, The start of a series of Dharma related Film Screenings.
25th January, Start of Saturday Morning Dialogues with Dònal Creedon.
See Events for more information
We are working on improving our website. We apologize for any errors in appearance or functioning while the website is under construction.