Tales of Wisdom and Wonder

Tales of Wisdom and Wonder

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Date(s) - 02/11/2024
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Tales of Wisdom andWonder


Stories of Masters from ancient times until today

With Ani Yonten


Listening to the accounts of seekers and accomplished practitioners, handed down through the times, are not only entertaining, but actual teachings, with a wealth of wisdom, that can inspire faith and help us understand dharma more deeply.


Saturday 2nd November 2pm – 5pm


No registration needed.

Comments are closed.

17th January 7pm, The start of a series of Dharma related Film Screenings.
25th January, Start of Saturday Morning Dialogues with Dònal Creedon.
See Events for more information
We are working on improving our website. We apologize for any errors in appearance or functioning while the website is under construction.

17th January 7pm, The start of a series of Dharma related Film Screenings.
25th January, Start of Saturday Morning Dialogues with Dònal Creedon.
See Events for more information
We are working on improving our website. We apologize for any errors in appearance or functioning while the website is under construction.